Offers in Dixons Carphone have shut 20.7% down after it cautioned of a sharp fall in benefits this year.
The cell phone and electrical products retailer additionally said it would close 92 of its in excess of 700 Carphone Outlet center this year.
It expects pre-assess benefits for 2017-18 to be £382m, yet it predicts benefits will tumble to £300m in 2018-19.
CEO Alex Baldock said "no one is content with our execution" yet the issues were all "fixable".
The organization faulted "challenges" in the market for cell phones and versatile administrations, including a declining market for long haul portable contracts and individuals not reestablishing their handsets as often as possible.
It had likewise observed weaker interest for PCs.
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Be that as it may, add up to deals were 3% higher in the year to 16 April, while like-for-like deals were up 4%.
In the UK, deals grew 2% for the year all in all, and by 1% in the final quarter.
The worldwide division improved the situation, with like-for-like deals in Nordic nations up 9% in the year and Greece up 11%.
'Bounty to settle'
Mr Baldock, who assumed control as gathering CEO not long ago, said the worldwide business was "healthy" so "we're concentrating early activity on the UK".
"We won't endure our present execution in versatile, or as a gathering. We know we can complete a great deal better," he included.
"Two months in the business have established my good faith about Dixons Carphone's long haul prospects. I've discovered extraordinary qualities, and however there's bounty to settle, it's all fixable."
The organization expects a further decrease in the market for long haul portable contracts in the current money related year, yet estimates an expansion in its offer of the market for sans sim handsets.
It was additionally "planning for a withdrawal" in the UK electrical merchandise showcase.
Neil Wilson, boss market examiner for Markets.com, portrayed the benefits cautioning as "horrid" yet concurred the issues were "all completely fixable".
"Dixons looks somewhat fat, and the market is similarly as delicate, however there ought to be some simple wins as far as making it less fatty, particularly around store terminations," he included.
Dixons said no occupations would be lost because of the store terminations.
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